Uninstalling ATUM Pick & Pack

Updated 1 year ago

If required, it is easy to uninstall ATUM's Pick & Pack premium add-on.

Removing all ATUM Pick & Pack data from your WordPress site (optional)

In some cases, ATUM settings and data are saved in different places in WordPress. If you plan to reinstall ATUM Pick & Pack at a later date and want to keep your data intact when uninstalling, skip this section and continue with the uninstall procedure in the next section.

To ensure that all ATUM Pick & Pack settings and data are completely removed:

  • Navigate to the ATUM Inventory menu and open the Settings submenu

  • Select the Settings submenu to reveal all options.
  • Go to the Advanced tab and enable the option Delete data when uninstalling.

  • Click Save Changes.

Uninstalling from the Plugins menu

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Select Plugins > Installed Plugins.

  • Locate the ATUM Pick & Pack plugin and click on "Deactivate".

  • Then click Delete.

At this point, ATUM Pick & Pack has been uninstalled and the files have been removed from your server. Keep in mind that some data and settings might still be contained in the WP installation. To completely remove all the data and settings, follow the instructions in the “Removing all ATUM data from your WordPress site” section above.

ATUM Pick & Pack can be reinstalled from the add-ons page at any time if you are uninstalling it to remove all data in preparation for a clean install after deleting the plugin.

Uninstalling from the server

This section is for users with technical experience only.

Please note that when uninstalling manually, the ATUM Pick & Pack data might not be fully removed from the database, as mentioned in the first section.

Navigate to your server WordPress installation files and delete the ATUM Pick & Pack files from /wp-content/plugins/atum-pick-pack.

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