How to override any ATUM template from your child theme

Updated 1 year ago

If you need to customize any template used by ATUM or any of its premium add-ons, you can do so easily by overriding the file with the right path and placing it on your child theme's directory.

For example, let's say you want to customize the PDF template used in Purchase Orders (the free version). Then, you just have to follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the directory when the template is placed:
  • Copy the template file and go to your child theme's directory.
  • There, you have to create a new directory named atum
  • On this directory, we'll need to create the right path and paste the copied file within. In this case, the full right path would be something like:
Just change your-child-theme-name with your real child theme name
  • That's all. Once the file is placed in the right path, you can do any customizations to it and ATUM will load it the next time is used.
Please, note that the ATUM templates may change occasionally and it's your responsibility to apply any possible changes to your customized template on your own

If you need to override any template from an ATUM's premium add-on, the path to build is slightly different.

Let's say you are using the ATUM Purchase Orders PRO add-on and want to override Template 1 for the PO PDF. Then, you just have to follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the directory when the template is placed:
  • Copy the template file and go to your child theme's directory.
  • There, you have to create a new directory named atum
  • On this directory, we'll need to create the right path and paste the copied file within. In this case, the full right path would be something like:
Just change your-child-theme-name with your real child theme name
  • That's all. Once the file is placed in the right path, you can do any customizations to it and ATUM will load it the next time is used.

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